Thursday, October 03, 2002

Part 2

Brofnakken jolted from slumber as the subway rattled across a particularly worn-down section of track, screeching into the night like a mechanical dragon. He looked around the poorly-lit car, vision unfocused but slowly clearing.

Had he just been asleep? It had felt so real! It always felt real, though, every time. He looked down at his hand, sure he would see burns there from the intense contact, but nothing was apparently wrong.

Across the aisle, the only other passanger on the train, an old man wearing a brown suit, watched him warily.

"Excuse me sir," said Brofnakken, "Have I been here long?"

The old man blinked, eyes widening a bit. "What do you mean, son?"

"Well, I mean, did I just appear out of thin air or anything unusual like that?"

"Can't say as I'd noticed," the old fellow replied, his gnarled fingers flexing slightly against a walking stick. "Been there the whole time I was watching you, anyway."

Brofnakken nodded and turned to look out the window as the streets of the city sped past. He still felt unsettled. The metal seat he was occupying didn't feel warm enough to have been his sleeping place, and he could not remember getting onto the train. Then again, he didn't remember many things for very long. He tried to remember if he'd been to see a doctor at any point, but everything was too hazy.

"I must be going crazy," he muttered aloud.

Across the aisle, the old man chuckled as he overheard the comment, and said, "I've been crazy for a long time, Broffy. Nobody ever said it would be easy."

Brofnakken's eyes widened. "How did you know my name?" He asked, turning to look across the shuddering car.

The old man was nowhere to be seen.


Tuesday, October 01, 2002

PART ONE: In The Beginning...

It was incredibly dark outside. Something large was obstructing the moon overhead and the city-wide loss of power had caused no end of turmoil. Now, at night, it was quite literally impossible to see even a few inches. Sounds took on shapes of their own in the endless night.

Into this darkness stumbled a man clutching at his head, hair protruding at crazy angles from his clenched fingers. He stumbled left and right as he walked forward, shoes scuffing the pavement and randomly kicking rocks through the darkness. His only coherent thought was to get away, and get away fast. Wherever he had come from (and the memory of that was missing for some reason), he most certainly wanted to get away.

Something else was moving in the darkness, he realized after a few moments. Something stealthy, impossible to pinpoint with no light. Something trying to find him.

"Oh, Christ," he commented, eyes going wide as the slightly damp sounds of the hunter reached him. His shuffling gait transformed into a clumsy jogging as he picked a random direction, hoping to find his escape. The sounds intensified around him, seeking.

Moments later, a faint glow came into focus in the distance, drawing closer. As if it knew the cat-and-mouse game was up, the hunter behind him growled low in its throat, and he knew it was now coming for him at top speed. Panic took over, lifting his legs and pushing him towards the light. Any moment now he was going to be caught. Caught by something horrible, undefinable, and ultimately final.

Seconds before his extended hand came into contact with the glowing object, it turned towards him in mid-air, about the size of a dinner plate.

It was a child's face, eyes innocently wide, and as he touched the pale brow with his trembling fingers, the entire world shattered around him.
Witness the Introduction:

Brofnakken. The man, the mystery. And now, the further adventures.

The main function of this page is to bring to you the further adventures of one Brofnakken, a fictional character who
appeared in many, many strange run-on stories my chums and I penned during bouts of boredom in highschool.

I'm sure they won't mind my using the name, since it's about all that remains the same.

Brofnakken is a somewhat confused fellow, making his way through a surrealistic world which exists partly in his own mind.

In any case, this story is dedicated to the fantastic four and the crafty half, and all the weird shit we wrote back then.

I'll have a comments section up here soon as I can puzzle through it.
