Across the city, under the pale glow of a streetlight, a disheveled man stood, swaying gently. His hair stuck out crazily in every direction, matted and uncut. His suit had once been expensive and sharp-looking, but was now little more than a rumpled rag on his body, stained and torn in several places. People walking past averted their gaze and hurried along their ways.
Under the apparent state of disrepair, intense, cunning eyes darted about, forever seeking something which had long been lost to the man. His tongue would sometimes escape from his lips for a moment, running over them with a dry, rasping sound and then retreating again. Slender fingers twitched almost constantly, as if longing to continue some unfinished business.
He was close. He knew he was getting very, very close now. Signs had presented themselves; The torn article, the ticket receipts, the growing sense of impending conflict. And the closer he got, the more his mind and body came back into focus, repairing themselves and awakening senses he had long forgotten how to use.
I'm going to catch him at last, he thought with a feverish grin. He had no idea still who it was he was seeking, but there was no way to miss the signs.
Signs such as the one he passed before entering a subway car, which read, "Downtown Limited Service Access - Route 45."
It was going to be a satisfying night for Bob.